Ex-state Senate candidate makes more offensive Facebook comments | FOX 2 Detroit

Ex-state Senate candidate makes more offensive Facebook comments

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Former state Senate candidate Mike Saari who slammed the judge in the Larry Nassar trial is making more offensive comments on social media.    

Earlier this week he made a Facebook post about the judge that many considered sexist. The latest comment some are calling pro-pedophilia.

FOX 2: "Do you believe it's ok for men to marry 12-year-old girls? Pre-pubescent girls? 

"Absolutely not," Saari said.

It is a question you wouldn't normally ask, but Mike Saari has been under fire this week and he sure looked the part when FOX 2 stopped by his house.

"It's real hot in here with this sweater," he said.

Saari is dropping out of the state Senate race after facing enormous backlash for slamming Judge Rosemarie Aquilina from the Nassar case, calling her a "feminazi" and pondering aloud her sex life in a Facebook comment.

"I used derogatory terminology and I was harsh and I do apologize for that," he said.

More coverage: Michigan State Senate candidate defends sexist remarks about Nassar judge

But late Wednesday more damning Facebook comments emerged: one called a black fisherman a white guy's butler.

Another accused black people of invading golf, hockey, hunting and fly fishing - you know - "white guy" sports.

And then a response to an article normalizing pedophilia and shaming those who dare to condemn it.

"This article here was a time that my computer was hacked in 2014," Saari said. "It started in 2014 I believe. It was or 2106 with Bancroft, that's him. He understands.

Saari says Ian Bancroft, a guy who responded to that comment and was in the same Facebook fishing groups, could back him up. So FOX 2 tracked him down. 

"I would 100 percent argue to the contrary," Bancroft said. "It was definitely him. I mean it was a weekly occurrence for him to comment obscenities on news articles or in a lot of the fly fishing groups that were racist comments, things like that."

So the question bears repeating.

FOX 2: "Do you believe it's okay for men to marry 12-year-old girls? pre-pubescent girls?"

"Absolutely not, not in today's time," Saari said. "Now with that bible thing, that may have happened back in those days I wasn't around, but in today's society that would not work."

Either way, Mike Saari won't be headed to Lansing anytime soon - and it may be a good idea he stays off Facebook too.