Lt. Gov. candidate Garlin Gilchrist in compliance with blighted property | FOX 2 Detroit

Lt. Gov. candidate Garlin Gilchrist in compliance with blighted property

A candidate for Lieutenant Governor is getting much support from one neighborhood in Detroit's New Center area as they're frustrated at the how long his blighted property is taking to get done. 

Lt. Governor candidate Garlin Gilchrist is in compliance with the city, which means he won't lose ownership, but neighbors are still frustrated at the pace. He bought the a Detroit property on Marston that Gilchrist bought for $27,000 back in 2016.

Gilchrist neglected the property and the Detroit Land Bank, which had warned Gilchrist about the conditions, gave him until Monday at 5 p.m. to clean up the blight and secure the structure.

Garlin Gilchrist avoids FOX 2 cameras, releases statement on blighted property

In a statement Gilchrist claimed he couldn't afford to finish fixing it up, and because he has been pursuing an elected office, he was unable to secure a loan to complete the renovations.

But apparently he didn't have the funds to pay the property taxes, either. Only on Monday he paid his $768 tax bill that was past due two months. 

Gilchrist did meet the terms of the deadline.

"We just made sure we cleaned up the dumping that had happened in the back yard. It is really unfortunate that people have chosen to dump on the site but we got that cleaned out and we're ready to move forward," Gilchrist told us on the phone.

While he may have cleaned some of it up, neighbors have a different attitude about the building.

"I would not vote for him. Show us that you appreciate us and will show you we appreciate you," neighbor Ricky Wilson said.

Gilchrist is just asking for a little bit of time.

"I am like many people who want to contribute to making the community better and working to committing the financing to make that possible," Gilchrist said.

He said he's working with lenders to complete the project but there was no timeframe given. The land Bank says it it will follow his progress.  

As for the issue of taxes being late, which were due on August 31 and paid on Monday. Gilchrist said it was a mistake.

"It was just an honest oversight and as soon as we learned about it, we corrected it. It wasn't fun but what I'm focusing on is how, and I'll be proud to work and be part of this community with this apartment building for people to work there in the thriving north end and I'm going to be proud to work alongside Gretchen Whitmore as the next lieutenant governor," he said.