Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist says he contracted Covid, but has no symptoms

The Whitmer administration has taken another COVID-19 hit.  This time it's Gretchen Whitmer's Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist of Detroit.  FOX 2's Tim Skubick indicates his 2-year-old daughter gave him the virus.

"This morning I tested positive for Covid," Gilchrist said.

First the governor's husband Marc Mallory contracted the virus and now her second-in-command on Sunday got the virus from his little daughter Ruby.

"My 2-year-old girl Ruby began to experience a running nose and mild fever, symptoms consistent with the virus," Gilchrist said. "So we immediately tested her and everyone else in the family."

Gilchrist and his spouse also have twins.  so far so good for everyone else.

"At this point I am not showing any symptoms and our daughter's symptoms are improving. We are praying for this to continue to be the case," Gilchrist said. "Everyone in the family has been vaccinated except little Ruby."

So with this virus hitting so close to home, has the governor, who has avoided the virus so far changed her mind on mandating shots for everyone? Nope.

"I don't believe there is a mandate in the world that is going to change the behavior of a segment of our population," she said. "If there is a segment that will never do it, it is hard to justify sweeping mandates."

All the administration can do is, is plead for everyone to get vaccinated.

"Get vaccinated, get your booster, do it for yourself and all of us," Gilchrist said.

Coronavirus in MichiganGretchen Whitmer