Mackinac Bridge work begins soon; expect delays if traveling to UP | FOX 2 Detroit

Mackinac Bridge work begins soon; expect delays if traveling to UP

The Mackinac Bridge (Photo by Amber Ainsworth/FOX 2)

Only one lane of traffic will be open in each direction on the Mackinac Bridge beginning March 25. 

Northbound and southbound traffic will share the southbound lanes until May 23 while crews repave the northbound lanes and make deck and joint repairs.

The Michigan Department of Transportation said the work has been scheduled to minimize delays, but is still expected to impact traffic. MDOT noted that there are often backups during the weekend peak times from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. even when all lanes are open. Because of this, drivers are advised to avoid peak times during the repaving project or be prepared for backups.

"As with any construction in northern Michigan, the best weather unfortunately coincides with the highest traffic volumes," said Mackinac Bridge Authority Chief Engineer Cole Cavalieri. "We’re glad we’ve been able to schedule this work to occur before traffic peaks for the summer to reduce delays for travelers."

Wide-load restrictions will be in place in both directions for any vehicles wider than 10 feet during construction. Wider loads will be allowed to cross once per day between 7 and 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and traffic will be stopped for brief periods for those crossings.

This work will also impact the annual Jeep the Mac event on May 10-12. This year's event has been renamed Jeep the Yoop and will not include a bridge crossing.

Next March, the same work will be done on the northbound lanes. The entire project is slated to be done by May 22, 2025.

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