Man charged in smashing of parakeet gets $50K bond, ordered no contact with pets | FOX 2 Detroit

Man charged in smashing of parakeet gets $50K bond, ordered no contact with pets

The man charged with smashing and stomping a parakeet inside an Allen Park pet store was given a $50,000 bond and has to give up his own pets as a condition of his bond.

The video of the irate man who smashed and then stomped on the video is disturbing, to say the least. Prior to Thursday, he had not been identified. That changed when he was arraigned on animal cruelty charges - which could land him in prison if convicted.

Ali Chehade, 22, was charged with smashing the parakeet inside the box while at Critter Pet Shop because he wanted a refund of $30. The store refused the refund because the bird had a broken wing while in Chehade's care.

On Thursday, Chehade was ordered to be held on a $50,000 bond but can pay 10% to bond out. His attorney argued that he was a bird lover but Judge Rich Page wasn't having that.

"He's a bird killer allegedly. I don't want him around any birds while this pending, any pets," Page said.

Page made the order of no contact with pets part of his bond condition, which means Chehade has to give up his two birds at home.

"You can't keep them and I'm gonna want proof that you turned them over someplace safe," Page said.

Then the judge ordered him to undergo anger management and a psychological evaluation. His attorney Sheldon Miller said Chehade lost control and is beside himself. He said he's a college student and just trying to things right - until this happened.

"He just lost it, there isn't any question - you can see it," Miller said. "It will come back to haunt him I'm afraid far, far more than it should be."

Ali Chehade inside the pet store was on camera at the time of the parakeet killing. Inset: Ali Chehade's mugshot.

Ali Chehade inside the pet store was on camera at the time of the parakeet killing. Inset: Ali Chehade's mugshot.

Chehade is expected to bond out Thursday night.

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