Mark Zuckerberg helps assemble F-150s during first Michigan vist

During his first trip to Michigan, Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg visited the Ford Rouge Plant.

He says he had the opportunity to play a small part in assembling some Ford F-150s by adding cleats, antennas and drilling screws.

Zuckerberg even signed the inspection sticker on one of the vehicles that'll soon be owned by a surprised driver.

He says the most interesting part of his trip was talking to the workers who keep the plant running each day.

"Working at Ford is a long term thing," he wrote. "Most of the workers I met had been at the plant for at least a decade, and a lot of them have kids and friends who work there, too. Someone told me that when you spend 11 hours a day, four days a week together, you end up becoming family and friends outside of work, too."

Working on an assembly line is a physically demanding job, he says, and he heard from workers first-hand about just how hard it can be.

"Each person told me separately how important it is to have good shoes because you're essentially walking on a treadmill for 10 hours a day. Every 52 seconds, you have to go through your set of tasks -- 650 times a day," he wrote. "You have to be perfect, but the biggest challenge is having the focus to do the same thing over and over again."