Masked gun advocates arrested after bringing guns into Dearborn police station | FOX 2 Detroit

Masked gun advocates arrested after bringing guns into Dearborn police station

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Unhappy they'd been pulled over, two men entered the Dearborn Police Department on Sunday with guns to confront officers and a camera to stream the whole thing on Facebook Live.

It began when police headed shopping district Sunday afternoon near Ford Road and Southfield to investigate two suspicious men wearing tactical masks and vests in a car.

The subjects fled before police arrived, but police found their vehicle three miles away in a park.

The on-duty sergeant conducted a traffic stop to investigate, but did not find any guns and released the men.

Disgruntled, the men drove to the Dearborn police station to confront officers.

One man was a 24-year-old Leonard, Mich., resident named James Baker armed with an AP-14 firearm and handgun. The other was a 40-year-old Jackson, Mich., resident carrying a camera and tripod.

"It was pretty clear based on the cameras that they were there to make a statement," said Lt. Gary Mann of the Dearborn Police Department.

As they entered the station, the men streamed the event on Facebook Live.

"We felt a little afraid for our lives when we were pulled over, so we wanted to prove a point," one man can be heard saying in the video.

Then you can see police ordering them to get down on the ground.

The subjects initially refused to comply, but police eventually took them into custody without incident.

Dearborn police seized the loaded AP-14, a rifle magazine containing 47 7.62 rounds, a loaded Glock 19 handgun with four magazines that held 66 rounds, as well as their ballistics vests and body armor.

Additionally the police seized an AK-47 style rifle and an AR-15 rifle.

Both subjects posted a $1,500 bond and were released, and will appear in court in the future.

They are facing three misdemeanors and more charges could be coming.

The video has gone viral and even Open Carry Michigan has contacted Dearborn police to condemn the men's actions.

"Ninety-five percent, at a bare minimum, has said, 'What were these people thinking?' and that really makes the rest of us look bad," said attorney and open carry advocate Terry Johnson.

Dearborn police are being credited with showing incredible restraint.

"They certainly put him on notice enough and if I were his parents I'd send a thank you letter to the Dearborn Police Department -- thanks for not shooting my son," said Billy Kucyk of Action Impact.