McLaren Hospital confirms cyber attack behind recent IT and phone system outage

McLaren Health Care is confirming the recent disruption to its technology is tied to a criminal cyber attack. They have not determined if any patient or employee data was compromised in the breach.

They added their hospitals are still functioning and emergency departments continue to operate as normal with surgeries and procedures happening as scheduled.

However, some non-emergent appointments, tests, and treatments are being rescheduled as a result of the attack.

Patients who do have appointments show plan on still attending, though they are asked to bring a list of medications they use, printed physician orders, lab test results, and a list of allergies.

"McLaren is incredibly grateful and humbled by the response of our team members and medical staff who have pulled together under these difficult circumstances to provide our communities with the care they need. Our team members and medical staffs are displaying unbelievable, heartfelt compassion and camaraderie during this extended downtime. On behalf of our patients and communities, we want to extend a sincere thank you," the hospital said.

McLaren Health Care first confirmed a disruption to its systems on Monday, offering no new details on Tuesday. 

One cyber security expert said the outage was similar to the breach to Ascension's systems earlier this year that disrupted their systems for weeks. 


McLaren hospitals in Michigan may reschedule some procedures after system disruption

Another major hospital chain in Michigan is dealing with a disruption to its internal technology systems, disrupting online access for patients.
