Men's Health Event at Ford Field offers free health screenings Sept. 21
Prostrate cancer survivor shares his story; it's important to know your number
At the age of 69 Dan Egasparis is counting his blessings - in 2011 he was stunned when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
FOX 2 - At the age of 69 Dan Egasparis is counting his blessings - in 2011 he was stunned when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
"I'm grateful. I really am grateful that I'm still here," he said. "It was startling, to say the least, because I had no effects, no nothing showing that said, you have a problem."
Although he knew he was in great hands with his doctors - he also wanted support of a different kind. He found it, at an annual Father's Day Prostate Cancer Walk. The run for the ribbon became a tradition for Dan and his family - they've gone every year, even when Dan himself couldn't be there.
"The one Sunday that I couldn't make it because I was in radiation therapy, my family decided to go without me," he said. "And I was just. that was like, my proudest moment because they were willing to do that. They weren't coming because i asked them to. they were coming because i think they felt it was important to me."
Run for the Ribbon is just one of the events for hosted by the MIU Men's Health Foundation - started by Dr. Michael Lutz. They also offer free health screenings for men at their annual Men's Health Event.
This Saturday is the Men's Health Event at Ford Field. You'll get free health screenings - including tests for prostate cancer - for all men with or without health insurance.
It's September 21st from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Ford Field downtown. Visit to learn more.