Michigan Humane Society helps rescue animals from Hurricane Dorian's path | FOX 2 Detroit

Michigan Humane Society helps rescue animals from Hurricane Dorian's path

"We're very, very happy that we just sent 3,000 pounds of animal up to the state of Michigan to find homes for them," said Anna Chrisman with the Michigan Humane Society. 

Almost 75 dogs and cats, mostly large breed, were flown up to Michigan. They came off the plane like an assembly line Sunday from the potential hurricane zone in Florida. 

"The flight was really smooth," said Michigan Director with the Humane Society of the U.S., Molly Tamulevich.

The Michigan Humane Society organized the flight with Wings of Rescue and four other rescue groups. 

The mission reduces shelter capacity in case of a Hurricane evacuation and makes space for an influx of animals if Dorian makes landfall. 

"The shelter staff in Florida when we talked this morning they are sleeping at the shelter to make sure everyone is safe so it's such a weight off of their mind to know their animals are going to be well taken care of and find homes," Chrisman said. 

Safe to say, these animals have never flown before or experienced our Michigan temps. 

 "It is very stressful you have a temperature change you have a new environment," said Tamulevich. 

The pets will be divided up among four rescues across the state, and up for adoption in the next couple weeks once they're adjusted.

"It's really a privilege to serve in this capacity and help both humans and animals in this way," Tamulevich said.