Michigan man sentenced for threatening children to send sexually explicit pictures, videos online

A 34-year-old Saginaw man was sentenced to 19½  years in federal prison for sexual exploitation of children.

Eric Hartman, 34, of Saginaw was sentenced to 19 ½ years in federal prison for sexually exploiting children on June 27 after his guilty plea to sexual exploitation and attempted sexual exploitation of a minor.

Hartman was also sentenced to five years of federal supervised release following his release from incarceration.

Hartman’s crimes became known in 2023 when a 13-year-old reported to the FBI that Hartman was threatening her and forcing her to send sexually explicit images and videos to him online.

Law enforcement traced Hartman to Saginaw, and the FBI executed a search warrant at Hartman’s residence where they recovered multiple electronic devices.

The FBI found numerous online conversations between Hartman and minors where Hartman requested the minors send him sexually explicit videos.

They also found numerous images and videos of other children's sexually abusive material.

"This case came to light through the bravery of a young victim who came forward to bring her predator to justice. This sentence justly punishes the defendant for preying on children and hopefully will encourage others to seek help from trusted adults and law enforcement if they are being coerced into sending explicit images online," U.S. Attorney Ison said.