Michigan Primary Election results: State House races 61-110 | FOX 2 Detroit

Michigan Primary Election results: State House races 61-110

While the governor's race and Michigan's 13 congressional districts are taking center stage on the national level, there are 38 state Senate seats and 110 Michigan House seats that are up for grabs too. 

110 districts, with two parties, comes out to 220 races. To help with the loading of this page, we've cut the Michigan House races into two pages. Below are the races for districts 61-110. Click here for the races for districts 1-60.

Of course, there are more major races to watch on Primary Day in Michigan.

Michigan Primary Election results: GOP governor's race

Michigan Primary Election results: House District 10

Michigan Primary Election results: House District 11 - Andy Levin vs. Haley Stevens

Michigan Primary Election results: House District 12

Michigan Primary Election results: House District 13

Michigan Primary Election results: All 13 Congressional races

Michigan Primary Election results: State Senate races

2022 Midterm Election results