Michigan toddler rings bell after beating cancer

Since Kassidy Selman's cancer diagnosis, her family has been waiting for the day when she'd get to ring the bell signifying her victory over cancer.

That day arrived on Monday, bringing a feeling of joy the family had only dreamed of relishing.

"That was amazing, feels so good," said her dad Zach, who was holding Kassidy at the time. "You happy?"

Selman was still a baby in 2022 when her family learned she had a rare form of pediatric cancer called acute myeloid leukemia. She initially showed symptoms of a serious cold after the whole family got sick. But while they improved, Kassidy's condition did not.

"The diagnosis was made here at children’s hospital," said Monica Selman, Kassidy's father. "I was actually pregnant with my son Colton, and it was just me and her. It was really devastating."

The diagnosis was the beginning of a long journey that included extensive treatment at the hospital with chemotherapy and eventually a bone marrow transplant. While doctors can schedule every appointment and assign staff to the right procedures, Kassidy still needed a little luck or she wouldn't get better.

That's where Be The Match came in - and connected Kassidy to a donor.

"So grateful for whoever donated. I wish we could find out who they are one day. That would be amazing," said Zach.

Dr. Eman Al-Antary, who is a pediatric bone marrow transplantation physician, said the donors get paired with clients through a registry, something she encourages everyone to be a part of.

The transplant happened just a few days after Kassidy's second birthday, in March 2023. Today, 10 months later, she was surrounded by family and her care team that showered her with toys to celebrate the win.

"We're just enjoying every day," said Zach. "She wanted to go to Disney for her wish. We’re excited to go, we’ve never been."

The trip is sponsored by The Rainbow Connection, which granted Kassidy's wish. 


Henry Ford Health, Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association awarded $4.8M grant

Black women suffer higher mortality and increased rates of discomfort during childbirth than other groups - a gap the grant hopes to close.