Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar talks substance abuse plan as she stumps in Michigan

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Minnesota senator and Democratic nominee hopeful Amy Klobuchar was in Michigan Friday afternoon.

Discussing her substance abuse program, she told Fox 2 about her plan to combat the opioid crisis.

"For me, as my dad struggled with alcoholism his whole life - he's now 91 and doing a lot better - in his own words, 'he was pursued by grace' because of that treatment and his family and the community," Klobuchar said, "and I think everyone should have that right to be pursued by grace."

Along with developing a more robust system for prevention that includes treatment beds and suicide hot lines, she said recovery comes with making sure ex-addicts can get a job.

But with the prevention plan also comes a prosecution plan. Klobuchar wants to go after the distributors of the drugs.

"When it comes to these pharma companies, yes, they should be footing the bill for this," she said. "They make tons of money off of getting people hooked on these opioids. One of the way I paid for this is the two cents per milligram fee on these opioid producers on the pharma companies."

The dollar sign behind that bill is going to be big. About $100 billion big.

Along with opioids, Klobuchar also discussed her hope to see the Mueller Report - a current hot button on Capitol Hill. And of course, her hope for the 2020 election.

Drawing a parallel between Michigan and Minnesota, both of which were won by only a handful of votes, Klobuchar thinks she has a chance to win Michigan because she's been a juggernaut in Minnesota.