Mom: 5-year-old boy forced into sex act by student on Utica school bus

The Sterling Heights Police Department is investigating allegations of sexual assault made by a young boy against another student that allegedly took place on a Utica Community Schools bus.

The mom of the victim has asked FOX 2 to remain anonymous and said the boy on the bus was forced to perform a sex act on an older elementary school student. 

The mother said the act went on for about 10 minutes and other students witnessed and tried to intervene. She also said the students tried to tell the bus driver who could not see what was happening. She told FOX 2 that the students said the bus driver assumed it was kids being noisy and did not check out what was going on. 

A friend of the mother, who we're calling Jane, said the boy was forced to perform oral sex.

"She was in hysterics. She told me that sexual assault happened to her son and that he was forced to perform oral sex on an older student," Jane said.

She said her own son did not witness the act but says other students from Jack Harvey Elementary School who were on the bus did and tried to alert the driver.

"The bus driver just yelled at the kids and told them sit down and be quiet they're getting written up," Jane said.

She said because the driver didn't listen to the kids, the boy had to engage in the act for 10 to 15 minutes.

When the bus stopped, she said her son and several other students who witnessed the act ran to her at the bus stop and told her what happened. She also said other students on the bus told them they saw the same act.

Parents say what's even more upsetting is that the school district has not said anything about the incident 

"They interviewed our children - not mine - but other children on bus as young as first grade about a rape of a 5-year-old and still didn't tell parents," Jane said.

Jack Harvey Elementary School released this letter to parents:

"Dear Harvey Parents:
I am writing to make you aware of an alleged incident that was reported to me regarding one of our school buses. The bus services the Sterling Estates community.
We are working with the Sterling Heights Police Department to investigate this matter.  As is our established district protocol, the student involved is not in school. 
We are committed to keeping Harvey Elementary a safe place for students and staff. Please take this opportunity to speak with your child, letting them know that we will not tolerate any behavior that is threatening or inappropriate. "

Sterling Heights Police confirmed to FOX 2 on Thursday that they are investigating a sexual assault between two juveniles but would not provide further details.

Utica Community Schools confirm they are looking into an "incident" that was reported on the bus but also would not elaborate any further.

FOX 2 is currently in Utica to gather more information on this story. 
