Mom goes on the defense after Christmas tree photo goes viral

A mom in the United Kingdom is coming to the defense of her family's Christmas tree.

The photo from Emma Tapping's Instagram went viral with a lot of people calling her a materialistic parent and her three kids "spoiled brats."

Many also chimed in that she was asking for her house to be broken into, while others pointed out that tall pile of presents could be a fire hazard.

Emma considers herself a thrifty shopper and blogs about ways to save money.

On Facebook Thursday, she defended her photo, writing that didn't post it as a "bragging parent" like so many had suggested. She added that she never meant for it to go viral and that not all the presents are for her kids.

"Try and remember this is about three little children, their Christmas, and their tree," she adds.

She also re-posted the photo on Instagram a couple days later, saying that she's not ashamed of it.

"I LOVE Christmas I LOVE spoiling my kids in the festive season and I work damn hard to make sure it is every bit as amazing as it can be."

You can read that whole post on her Instagram page here, but beware it has some language that may offend some.