More than 2,000 attend Congregation Shaarey Zedek with prayers for Israel

The horror in Israel is bringing people together around the world to pray for the country and the people who live there.

A show of solidarity was held in Southfield and the organizers say it came together very quickly with more than 2,000 people were inside Congregation Shaarey Zedek, denouncing the surprise attacks, the acts of war in Israel.

"We declare unequivocally Detroit stands with Israel," said Steven Ingber.

Ingber, the CEO of the Detroit Jewish Federation says it is clear what happened at the hands of Hamas on Saturday.

"What we saw on Saturday was sheer terrorism and we must call it out," he said.

The terrorism happened a thousand miles away but hits very close to home.

"This is not like anything I've seen before. It’s like a nightmare and no one can wake us up," said Israeli Liraz Baksis on video.

One woman from Bloomfield Hills just learned her 27-year-old brother, a commander in the Israeli Army was called to serve immediately following the attack.

"While attempting to rescue families and civilians held captive by terrorists, Eli was hit and killed, along with other soldiers," said Lior Zisser-Yogev.

In israel most citizens are called upon to serve and fight for their country.

"Support Israel any way you can, we are fighting for our lives," she said.

Among the thousands in attendance, Michigan lawmakers and leaders like Democrat Senator Gary Peters.

"In Washington must act swiftly to pass a bipartisan legislative package to give Israel all of the support that they need," he said.

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And Governor Gretchen Whitmer telling the United Jewish Foundation they will do whatever it takes in this time of war.

"We here in Michigan condemn this vile act of terrorism," she said. "We stand with Israel and Israel has a right to defend itself"

And to those who feel like they want to do something, donations can be made HERE.
According to the CEO they’ve already raised $1.5 million.