More than $21,000 worth of fake designer products seized at Canada border

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents seized more than $21,000 worth of fake designer products at the Blue Water Bridge earlier this month.

According to officials, agents inspected a shipment labeled "clothes bags" on March 2. The shipment was coming from Canada into Port Huron.

The bags were full of clothes and other items that had logos of designer brands such Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Gucci, and Versace. Agents said the articles of clothing were low-quality counterfeit items.

Officials said the items would have been worth more than $21,000 if it was real.

"This is a great example of the work our officers do to protect consumers and the U.S. economy," said John Nowak, the acting port director in Port Huron.

Often, counterfeit goods are sold at underground outlets or third-party e-commerce websites.

During the 2020 fiscal year, CBP seized 26,503 shipments containing items that violated intellectual property rights. The total estimated value of the seized goods, had they been genuine, was nearly $1.3 billion, officials said.

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