Mother & Daughter say dentist was intoxicated at work | FOX 2 Detroit

Mother & Daughter say dentist was intoxicated at work

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Dr. Thomas Guinall dodged our cameras after accusations have surfaced that he tried to perform a dental procedure on a 17-year-old girl while he was possibly under the influence.

Stacy Redmond took her daughter,Tyler Morrow to Dental Dreams in Eastpointe on Wednesday for a tooth extraction. She says she immediately knew something wasn't right. They say Dr. Guinall went to begin the procedure and couldn't even maintain his balance.

"His legs were still doing that. He had the hiccups, but he just kept swaying back and forth," said Redmond.

"I sat up and looked to her, and that's when she started talking to him and asking him if he was ok, because he was acting strange," said Morrow.

"As he goes to approach Tyler, he fell into her as he was putting the needle into her mouth. After he was done he was like, 'Are you okay?' That's when I asked him 'Are you ok? Because I just watched you fall into my daughter's chair and you're stumbling and your pupils are dilated.'"

Then Redmond claims the dental hygienist who was in the room at the time confirmed her fears.

"I looked at his hygienist and I said, 'Is he high or something?' She pulled down her mask and she looked at me (shakes head yes)."

Taryn: Dr. Guinall? Taryn Asher from Fox 2.

Dr. Guinall: "Hi how are you?"

Taryn: "I wanted to talk to you. We've had some complaints about you being possibly intoxicated or  under the influence while performing on patients."

Dr. Guinall refused to answer our questions - avoiding us, and apparently the Eastpointe Police.

Redmond says she called police right after what happened - but by the time officers arrived - Dr. Guinall was gone.

On top of that, she claims police were reluctant to take a report.

"When the police officer came in, he said, 'Well what are we doing here?' and I said, 'Well because the dentist is performing under influence' and he said, 'Well, what are we supposed to do?' and that's when I got upset."

"He says, 'It is like a pilot getting on a plane going to fly a plane. If nothing happens how do we know if he was even intoxicated."

We don't know for sure - but what we do know - state records show the 29-year-old dentist no longer has a driver's license.  He was convicted twice of drunk driving - one causing an accident that injured two people.

Taryn: "What do you have to say about that? A girl - why shut the door if you have nothing to hide?"

The mother and daughter wonder what it's going to take for the case to be taken seriously. They were happy they were able to stop the procedure before it was too late. They fear another patient might not be so lucky.

"If there's a dentist who is under the influence and doing work, and nobody is doing anything about it," says Morrow. "We should, shouldn't we?"