Mount Clemens man charged with child porn

Micah Carson

Mount Clemens man was arrested for child porn by the Macomb Area Computer Enforcement and the Sheriff's Enforcement Team.

Detectives arrested Micah Carson, 30, on Wednesday, for allegedly downloading and possessing files of Child Sexually Abuse Materials.

MACE Detectives received information from the Michigan Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children indicating numerous videos and image files being downloaded.

Authorities conducted an investigation that led to the suspect. Digital evidence was seized including phones, a laptop computer, a tower computer, thumb drives and SD cards.

The digital evidence is under forensic review. Carson was taken into custody without incident and is currently lodged at the Macomb County Jail.

Carson was arraigned in district court on three counts of child sexually abusive material – aggravated, and three counts of using a computer to commit a crime.

Carson was given a $100,000 bond, cash/surety.