Murder charges filed against man who ran naked from scene

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Murder charges have been filed against a Detroit man who was arrested after running naked through a neighborhood.

The Sunday killing was part of a violent Labor Day weekend in the city.

The man is not only accused of murdering one man, but also shooting another several times.

Desmon Armon Jackson was supposed to appear at his arraignment by video, but we're told he became combative and wouldn't cooperate.

All went down on Sunday at a home on Coyle Street around 11 p.m.

Prosecutors say Jackson got into an argument with 26-year-old Martell Harris then shot him in the head.

It's alleged he also shot a second man several times. That victim was taken to the hospital and managed to survive.

Police say after the killing, Jackson went inside the home and took off all his clothes.

He then ran from the scene but was taken into custody a short time later.

It's still unclear if Jackson knew the two victims.

He's now charged with first degree murder, assault with intent to murder and felony firearm.

A judge entered a not-guilty plea on his behalf.

His next hearing is set for next week.