Nathaniel Abraham faces more charges after Saturday arraignment | FOX 2 Detroit

Nathaniel Abraham faces more charges after Saturday arraignment

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Nathaniel Abraham can't keep himself from behind bars, he was found with methamphetamine, thousands in cash and drug measuring paraphernalia.

The investigation launched after he sold drugs to undercover officers. 

At 11 years old he was charged with murder, this was in 1997. Since he made headlines back then, Nathaniel Abraham has been back and forth to jail. 

“He does have a very checkered past,” Abraham’s attorney James Galen Jr., said. 

Abraham is now sitting in a cell on drug charges against him in two cities in Oakland County.
The now 33-year-old hired attorney James Galen to represent him. 

“He remained in the cell and I had to sit outside and talk to him through the food tray slot because they won't let him out of the cell for anything but court appearances,” Galen said.  

Cameras weren't allowed in court Saturday when he was charged; he allegedly sold methamphetamine and heroine to undercover officers in Farmington Hills and likely cocaine in Pontiac.

“I got to tell you he has aged but he's got that same lost look in his eyes when he's looking at that video arraignment that he had when he was a little boy,” he said. 

Abraham got the title as Michigan's youngest convicted murderer when he shot an 18-year-old man outside of a Pontiac party store.

He did time in juvenile facilitates and was let out on his 21st birthday, later getting busted for selling ecstasy and beating up a prison guard.

Last August Oakland County Sheriff's deputies were forced to tase and wrestle Abraham to the ground for resisting arrest. 

He was in trouble for apparently showing his genitals to a woman.

This time in court though attorney James Galen says Abraham was selling drugs to support his 4 month old son. 

Those drug charges against Abraham are 20 year felonies each but the potential penalty doubles because of his prior convictions.