No charges filed in Warren De La Salle hazing investigation | FOX 2 Detroit

No charges filed in Warren De La Salle hazing investigation

There will be no charges in the hazing allegations case at Warren De La Salle High School.

The St. Clair County Prosecutor's Office conducted the investigation and released its findings Tuesday. Due to a confluict of interest by the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office, St. Clair handled the assault allegations.

In a statement from Special Prosecutor Michael D. Wendling, the office said it believes a criminal incident did occur, but it "does not have admissable evidence to move forward with the prosecution." 

"Based upon all the information made available for our review, it is the opinion of our office that criminal charges cannot be substantiated at this time," Wendling wrote, blaming the result due to multiple circumstances "beyond our control."

The St, Clair Prosecutor's Office said that timing after the incident was an issue, saying that the Warren Police Department had not been contacted until after De La Salle conducted its own investigation. 

A lack of cooperation was cited including most of the coaching staff refusing to speak with police on the advice of the school's lawyers. 

Along the same lines, victims and their families were said to have not provided enought information to file charges due to "concerns of pressure by parents, students, staff members and others regarding cooperation."
"Documents and reports created during the school's own independent investigation have been withheld by administrative staff at advice of legal counsel," Wendling said. "Staff meetings and board meetings where the incident and discipline of these students/suspects was addressed were not open to the general public and no minutes or discussion notes have been provided.

"The non-cooperation of De La Salle staff is especially upsetting consideriong that they are the people who have an obligation to protect these children and are mandated to report any misconduct."


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Warren Police had recommended charges against a pair of 16-year-old boys and an 18-year-old who was 17 at the time the hazing is alleged to have happened. But a few hours later, the Macomb County prosecutor said the victim in the case doesn't want to pursue charges and has declined to speak to investigators.

De La Salle canceled the rest of its football season in late October after hazing was reportedly uncovered at the private school. 

Warren police commissioner Will Dwyer said two weeks ago that the investigation found three players 'sexually taunted' other players with a broomstick.

According to Dwyer, three boys are accused of sexually taunting other players with a broomstick. He said their investigation found there was not any use of the broomstick on any other players, only that they 'sexually taunting'. 

Dwyer said the three players have been suspended indefinitely from the team.

Warren police told FOX 2 that hazing took place after Thursday night De La Salle football team dinners and that some players were in fear after those dinners.

Warren police interviewed 59 players and four coaches. According to Dwyer, there were 12 families that would not allow police to interview them and some were represented by attorneys. He said that slowed the investigation.

Read the rest of the report below: