No radiation risk found in water after uranium-contaminated property falls into Detroit River | FOX 2 Detroit

No radiation risk found in water after uranium-contaminated property falls into Detroit River

After a uranium-contaminated property collapsed and fell into the Detroit River around Thanksgiving, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) said there are no concerns about elevated radiation risk in the water.

The riverside property apparently collapsed around Thanksgiving. An official with the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) said they aren't sure when specifically it collapsed but were on sight Friday to inspect what happened.

According to a statement from EGLE, testing was done Friday and showed there was "no elevated radiation risk to health or the environment associated with the collapse."

The Sierra Club was also there to raise a red flag over the uranium-contaminated spill. The Sierra Club is concerned that state and local officials were not immediately notified about it, considering the proximity to Detroit's drinking water intake lines.

"We're a little frustrated, to say the least," said Justin Onwenu with the Sierra Club. "A Canadian news site was the first to break this story about parts of the Bulk Storage Facility falling into Detroit River."

The location of the collapse is the former site of Revere Copper and Brass and has been an environmental hazard for decades. Federal agencies labeled the site contaminated with uranium and other dangerous chemicals. However, levels have fallen in recent years, with testing going as far back as 1990 confirming that radiation was below criteria. 

"In the 40s and 50s this site...uranium was on site there have been tests that have been done to show that the material is no longer a concern," Owenu said. "But this is a site that is historic contamination and we're still asking EGLE to do an investigation."

This site is currently leased by Detroit Bulk Storage Facility. FOX  2 contacted the company and we are still awaiting a response 

The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) says, based on the location of their water intakes in the river, it does not believe there's any danger to water quality.