Oakland County Sheriff's Office provides self-defense classes for women
DAVISBURG, Mi. - On a crisp Fall like Saturday, dozens of women gathered at Springfield Oaks County Park near Davisburg for a self-defense class, which was put on by the Oakland County Sheriff's Office and instructed by women.
Oakland County Sheriff’s Office provides self-defense classes for women
Oakland County Sheriff’s Office provides self-defense classes for women
The program has been going on for more than a decade and coincides with Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which starts in October.
This year, it looks different because of COVID-19 precautions in place.
The sheriff said they teamed up with Oakland County Parks and moved the classes outside. They also asked participants to wear masks, and cleaned equipment in between each use. This made it easier for women of all walks of life, including teenagers, to learn different ways to survive an attack.
"It builds confidence in yourself and it's a good way to defend yourself if you ever were to come across a situation," said one student who attended the class.
"We've had people on the spectrum who have had hearing challenges, we've accommodated virtually anyone who wants to get this information because we want you to have it," said Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard.
Now, women from across Metro Detroit can leave this free class knowing if they ever come across an attacker, they'll be ready.
"It's amazing how many women showed up and wanted to learn the same thing, probably may be hesitant, but at the end of the day, it makes you feel good about yourself," one student said.
The Oakland County Sheriff's Office will be hosting more of these classes and you can click here to find out more information.