Officials investigate alternate heating in fire that killed 3 kids; fund established | FOX 2 Detroit

Officials investigate alternate heating in fire that killed 3 kids; fund established

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A devastating fire at an Imlay City mobile home killed three young kids and hospitalized three others. Authorities say they believe an alternate heating source may be to blame.

Imlay City police chief Scott Pike tells us seven people were at the mobile home when a fire broke out around 3 a.m. We're told three kids aged 3, 5, and 6 have died. Their names were Keyondre, Keith and Keyanna.

"If everyone could just pray for the family. We just need the prayers - it's going to be a long road," said Krystal's aunt, Linda Cole. "Pretty devastating to get a call this morning and find out we lost three children."

The family says 6-year-old Keith, 5-year-old Keyondre and 3-year-old Keyanna were all killed in the raging fire.

"When they arrived they found a woman outside yelling hysterically that her family was still in trailer," Pike said.

Krystal's mom was one of the three injured as she was trying to save the kids inside the home. 

The surving family members, one and a half year old Keyshawn, newborn Keyairah, and their father Keith Kelley were rescued from the flames.

What caused this mobile home to be destroyed by fire remains under investigation 

"We've been told furnace in mobile home was not working properly so we don't know if it's alternate heating source or something wrong with heater in the trailer itself," Pike said.

The family is trying to move forward but know the road will be tough without their children.

A fund has been established for the family at Lakestone Bank & Trust. Here's the information provided to FOX 2: 

Lakestone Bank & Trust
83 W. Nepessing St.
Lapeer, MI 48446

Acct Info:
Randy Tyrrell
Benefit of Whitney/Kelley Family