Optalis Healthcare now hiring nurses, social workers, cooks and more | FOX 2 Detroit

Optalis Healthcare now hiring nurses, social workers, cooks and more

As the state, country, and the world come together to fight the coronavirus, Optalis Healthcare is looking to help people who have already lost their jobs and have several openings including full-time and part-time positions. Optalis Healthcare has 21 total jobs open including several nurse positions, cooks, caregivers, and an executive director. Pay for CNA starts at $15/hour. 

“Optalis Healthcare is committed to the Metro Detroit communities that we serve. We invite those who are suddenly unemployed or underemployed to come explore the exciting opportunities that await you!  Help us fight this pandemic by joining our fantastic team. We offer on-the-job training. Both permanent and temporary positions immediately available," the company said.

If you want to apply for one of the jobs check out optalishealthcare.com/careers/