Pizza power! Fans celebrate 40 years of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | FOX 2 Detroit

Pizza power! Fans celebrate 40 years of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The foot clan was foiled once again as fans gathered to celebrate 40 years of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Michele Ivey, a TMNT superfan, with some of her props at the TMNT Pizza Party. (Photo by Dave Herndon)

Michigan’s own Michelle Ivey and Kevin Siembieda hosted a party at Westland’s Time Blaster Toys to celebrate the turtles May 11. 

Ivey, known for her website and video journals on Cowabunga Corner, and for appearing in numerous TMNT related fan projects and interviews will bring a large collection of merchandise to the store. 

Siembieda, the founder of Palladium Books, who published one of the first pieces of merchandise for the franchise when they released a role-playing game that predates even the iconic 1988 television series, will also have some of his archives with him. 

Palladium Books Creative DIrector Sean Roberson )(eft) and founder Kevin Siembieda. (Photo by Dave Herndon)

It was Siembieda who introduced Turtles’ creators Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman to Mark Friedman, the man who worked many of the early licensing deals for the franchise and helped it grow from an indie comic book to an international phenomenon.

Siembieda, who had worked with Friedman on other properties said that without that introduction, "turtle mania," may have fizzled out at the start. 

Ivey, who is known throughout the world of Turtle fans, had many screen used props, international toy releases and much more on display. 

"This day, right now, this is an epic day of having fun, getting to meet other Turtle fans and celebrating 40 years of one of the best franchises that has come out."
Time Blaster Toys owner Keith Libra agreed. 

Screen used masks from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action movies. (Photo by Dave Herndon)

"It’s the TMNT pizza party celebrating 40 years," he said. "We’re getting fans together to have a good time. Ninja Turtles has been really important to a lot of people over the last four decades."

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Inside the 40th Anniversary Pizza Party for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Time Blaster Toys in Westland. (Photo by Dave Herndon)

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