Police: Clinton Township man shoots neighbor's cocker spaniel in the head

Watching from her window – earlier this month, Adrianna Pulliam heard silence, a gunshot, and an 11-year-old cocker spaniel shot in the eye.

"I just heard a really loud pop and then I heard like screaming from a dog like not even yelping like it was screaming," she said. "I jumped up right away, and I saw the dog like not limping, but like struggling to walk."

The shot came from Adrianna Pulliam’s – neighbor’s porch, allegedly by Andrae Maurice Jones.

"He was in his house the whole time he didn't even step outside," she said. "He opened his door, shot the dog and closed his door."

Jones later told Clinton Township police it was self-defense, but investigators say – the cocker spaniel named "Buddy" was just close to his property line - and everyone knew the dog was harmless.

"A really sweet dog like the kids that live next-door love him like he's really playful," she said.

Buddy belonged to another neighbor – who didn’t go on camera. Animal control rushed him to the emergency vet.

"The owner said even if they could save it, there would be no quality of life," Pulliam said. "It was shot in the eye and went out the mouth, so they took the dog home and they buried it in their backyard."

Meanwhile, police surrounded Jones’ home. His wife and three kids were inside, too. He surrendored to police after 20 minutes.

The charges racked up against him – including killing an animal, third degree felony gun charges and misdemeanors for property damage.

Jones was given a $20,000 bond 10 percent.

"It's very disconcerting, especially since he's out on bond now," said Pulliam.

Jones is court ordered to have no contact with buddy’s owner, and can’t have a firearm. But Adrianna is still worried about her own pets.

"It even makes me nervous them sitting in the window," she said. "Because what if something happened and he shot through the window, you know?"

Jones has prior convictions in other states including aggravated burglary, several DUIs and at one point was a fugitive in Georgia.

Buddy the cocker spaniel, shooting suspect Andrae Jones.