Police issue ticket for violating stay-home order after breaking up party at Detroit’s Rouge Park
DETROIT (FOX 2) - While most Michiganders are staying home and social distancing to help slow the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19, some in Detroit had a different idea Wednesday evening.
Police broke up a large party in Rouge Park on the city’s west side – and at least one person was ticketed.
Police break up large gathering at Detroit’s Rouge Park amid stay-home order
Detroit police were called to break up a large gathering Wednesday evening at a park in Detroit despite the governor ordering everyone to stay home three days prior.
Viewers called the FOX 2 newsroom saying dozens of people were at the park in defiance of the stay-home executive order.
Police went out to the park and we’re told everyone quickly left after that.
Cups, bottles and plastic bags were seen littered across the park after the party broke up. Detroit police say they issued at least one citation.
The next day on Reddit, a picture of a citation from the City of Detroit popped up on Reddit.
Some people hanging out in Rouge Park discovered that this threat of a misdemeanor is real. from r/Detroit
The description of the citation says the misdemeanor was issued because of a violation of Governor’s executive order 2020-21 of private/public gathering not of the same household.
Police couldn’t say how many people were at the park, but callers were saying it seemed to be at least 100.
Detroit is certainly the most hard-hit area for coronavirus in Michigan right now, with about 30% of all the state’s cases. The City of Detroit alone is reporting more cases than any other county in the state.
Gov. Whitmer issued her stay-home order on Monday this week, barring employers from requiring workers to leave their homes unless necessary to protect life or conduct minimum basic operations during the pandemic. There are exceptions, including grocery stores, banks, gas stations and restaurants offering carry-out or food for delivery.