Police still searching for suspect who shot 4 including children, pregnant woman at park

Four people were shot including two young children and a pregnant woman at a Detroit park Wednesday night.

Detroit police are still searching for two suspects in the shooting, which took place at Stein Park between Joy Road and W. Chicago on the city's west side.

At 8:30 p.m. last night, a confrontation between younger kids led to someone bringing a gun. Four shots rang out, wounding a 6-year-old and 3-year-old and two young women, one pregnant. The older victim ran toward nearby apartments called the French Quarter.

Two 18-year-old women were wounded - one of them pregnant. The shooter - or shooters are still on the run. Neighbors are afraid.

"I went over and saw one of the girls drowning in her own blood. I took off my shirt and put it up under her head and tried to patch the hole up because she got shot in the face,' said Donte, a neighbor.

The two young children are in stable condition while the two 18-year-olds are in serious condition.

"It's getting crazy," said neighbor Donithin Kemp. "When we were young, we weren’t doing any of this and I’m only 28 so that’s saying a lot."

Detroit police searching for evidence in Stein Park on Thursday. Using canines, and covering a wide area of the park which is near Cody High School.

"I take my kids up to this park when the kids are in school because that’s the safest time to come up here," Keith said.

FOX 2: "Two shooters are still on the run, are you worried?"

"Yeah I’ve seen it," said neighbor Ed Lacey. "I’ve been keeping up with it, and I can barely sleep at night thinking about those kids."

Police are still investigating the cause of the shooting. 


Crime and Public Safety