Pontiac's historic Oak Hill Cemetery damaged by storms; volunteers needed for cleanup | FOX 2 Detroit

Pontiac's historic Oak Hill Cemetery damaged by storms; volunteers needed for cleanup

A cemetery in Pontiac where the bodies of soldiers from the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and both World Wars rest was badly damaged by a storm July 20.

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The first burial at Oak Hill Cemetery was in 1822. The historic cemetery is owned by the city, and Pontiac's Department of Public Works assessed damage Thursday. A meeting will be held with a contractor next week to determine how much it will cost to fix the damage.

In the meantime, volunteers are sought to help clean up efforts. Probationers through the Pontiac District Court used to help keep the cemetery clean, but that was halted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We need the help right now," said Larry Keene, the volunteer director at the cemetery. 

If you would like to help, call Keene at 248-303-0186.
