Pot dispensary ballot question loses in all four Metro Detroit communities | FOX 2 Detroit

Pot dispensary ballot question loses in all four Metro Detroit communities

Pot is on the ballot with four communities deciding on whether marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in their city.

Voters in Birmingham voted whether to allow one recreational use store and one medical marijuana store - but early on, the no votes took a large lead. Just one hour after polls closed, ‘No’ had a 73 percent to 26 percent advantage. 

A ballot proposal in Rochester allowing for three marijuana businesses is also facing a huge early deficit, with 83 percent voting ‘No’ to just 16 percent saying ‘Yes.’

In Keego Harbor, the ‘No’ vote held a solid lead with 53 percent to 46 percent yes with 100 percent reporting.

Voters in Grosse Pointe Park said ‘No’ with 66 percent of the ballot over 33 percent voting yes.

Since laws allowing adult-use marijuana facilities went into effect nearly five years ago, hundreds of municipalities have opted out of having these businesses. However, the number of municipalities allowing marijuana businesses continues to steadily rise, according to data from the state.

Communities that do have these facilities get a cut of the revenue. Last year, the state distributed a total of around $60 million to more than two municipalities.

Marijuana sales in Michigan are expected to exceed $3 billion this year. Recreational marijuana has been legal in the state since 2018 and cities have the option to opt-in or out, independently.

In smaller cities like those deciding on the issue Tuesday, the tax benefit is expected to be about $200,000 in terms of financial gain.

Rochester's measure was put on the ballot by an independent group out of Ingham County - and if a private group is responsible, they are the ones that control some of the details in the city of Rochester.

Tonight, Ohio voters voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana - and many worry it may impact Michigan's cannabis sales.

Stay with FOX 2 tonight for more results as they roll in.
