Precautions in place as Detroit casinos set to reopen Wednesday
DETROIT (FOX 2) - After nearly five months of keeping their doors closed because of COVID-19, the casino's will be reopening on Wednesday.
There are several precautions that have been put in place by Gov. Whitmer.
The number of people allowed in will be limited to 15% capacity. Other precautions include limiting the entrance point with temperature checks, a smoking ban on casino floors, and heightened cleaning protocols.
One casino official says they're ready to re-open.
"The majority of our gaming positions, slot machines, seats at table games have been removed or deactivated. This is to help ensure we can allow for social distancing," David Tsai said, President of the Midwest Group, MGM Resorts.

COVID-19 has slashed casino revenue by more than 50%. In the past few months, all three casinos issued notices that they would lay off thousands of employees.