President Trump makes campaign stop in Lansing on Tuesday
LANSING, Mich. (FOX 2) - Just a week before the election, President Donald Trump spoke in Lansing to rally supporters.
The President made the stop in Lansing as part of a Midwest swing. He will also travel to Wisconsin and Nebraska later on Tuesday.
President Trump takes jabs at Gov. Whitmer during Lansing rally
President Donald Trump spoke Tuesday at a campaign rally in Lansing just one week ahead of Election Day.
Thousands of supports braved and rainy and cold weather to hear the president speak.
President Trump promised a win in Michigan. "Seven days from now we're going to win the great state of Michigan and we're going to win four more years in the White House," he said, which was met to cheers and applause.
Trump briefly brought up his history with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, with who he has been at odds for much of 2020. During Thursday's debate, Trump brought up Whitmer's husband as he and former vice president Joe Biden were discussing COVID-19 and the recent spike in cases that so many states are seeing this month. Michigan is believed to be in its second wave.
Trump said that in Michigan, the only person allowed to do anything in the state is Whitmer's husband, referencing a controversy dating back to earlier this summer when Gov. Whitmer's husband reportedly invoked her name in attempts to get their boat in the water by Memorial Day weekend.
Again on Tuesday during his speech, he said her husband is the "only one that's free in her state."
"Your government's a disaster. You've got to open up the state," he added.
Trump called the Michigan Supreme Court ruling that struck down Whitmer's executive orders a 'BIG win.'
Several top Democrats in Michigan were critical of the president's rally, labeling it as a "super spreader rally."
"The event today is another super spreader by Mr. Trump and it's very, very sad," said former Michigan governor Jim Blanchard. "Some of the people who go to the rally today - and I hope it's not a big number - will get COVID and be very sick. Some might even die. This is really outrageous."
President Trump spoke of his own experience with COVID-19 during his speech, saying after a few days of treatment that he felt like "Superman."
"I could give every woman and every man - I'd even kiss the men - I could give every woman and every man a kiss and I wouldn't catch it. I have immunity," he said.
More research still needs to be done before officials can confirm if someone who's been infected with COVID-19, in fact, has immunity or can be diagnosed again.