Red Cross of Southeast Michigan in desperate need of blood donors
FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. (FOX 2) - Attention Michigan, there’s a dire need for blood donors.
"All blood types are needed, we need everyone to roll up their sleeves," said DeAndra Smith, American Red Cross of Michigan. "We need a lot of diverse donors. If you’re having any type of blood therapy, the more you have transfusions, the more you are going to run into transfusion related complications unless you have a donor from the same race or ethnic background.
"So we always want to have a diverse pool of blood."
Smith not only works for the Red Cross, but as someone who also lives with sickle cell disease, she knows firsthand how valuable blood donations are.
"I’ve been hospitalized well over 80 times," she said. "And back in April of last year, I had to get 12 pints of blood."
Right now the need is very high, and according to the American Red Cross of Michigan, the winter months are among some of the toughest when it comes to donations.
"Across the nation we’ve lost over 2,000 units of blood due to canceled blood drives due to the weather," Smith said.
It’s easier to donate than you might think. Staff is onsite to make sure all those willing to donate are healthy enough to do so.
And again - all blood types are needed.
Farmington Hills Fire Marshall Jason Baloga even stopped by Costick Activities Center Wednesday morning to give blood before heading to work.
"It was a a great experience. You fill out a simple questionnaire, a small little poke on the finger and real short time on the bed, giving blood and you get some free snacks after as well," he said.
One hour of your day can literally save another person’s life.
"Blood is highly needed when we do respond to a trauma call," Baloga said.
The blood drive at Costick Activity Center runs until 8 p.m. Wednesday night, the last donor will be taken at 7:45.
Every donor that stops by enters a raffle for two tickets to this year’s Super Bowl LIX.
For more information on Red Cross Michigan donations, tap here.