Red Lobster in Michigan shutting down and everything inside is up for bidding

Red Lobster. 

Michigan is losing one of its Red Lobster locations amid reports the seafood chain could be nearing bankruptcy.

The Red Lobster location in Fort Gratiot Township in St. Clair County, is shutting down. The closure means the business will be liquidating its assets and auctioning off everything inside.

According to Neal Sherman who runs the firm that will be running the online auction, it will be the "largest restaurant liquidation EVER…"

That means furniture, fixtures, and equipment will be sold off. 

"We're handling this closure differently than we have in the past with each auction having a SINGLE winner for the listed items from the location they bid on -- WINNER TAKES ALL," he wrote on Linkedin.

About 50 locations will shut down across the U.S.

To find the link to bid on the equipment, tap this link here. Bids will be accepted by midday on Thursday.

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