Residents of one Detroit zip code say USPS mail service has left them empty-handed | FOX 2 Detroit

Residents of one Detroit zip code say USPS mail service has left them empty-handed

For a month, a Detroit mom living off Somerset Ave has been empty-handed at her mailbox.

"Today three more pieces of mail that are very important," said Jasmine Triplett. "It went from five pieces to four pieces, to one piece, to none at all."

Her neighbors in the 48224 zip code are dealing with it too and waiting on important paperwork.

"I am waiting on something from the Department of Health and Human Services, unemployment office, a water claim, there is a Social Security issue with my mother," she said.

Triplett has "informed delivery" online and can see by email that her mail is sitting at the US Post Office Kensington Station off Harper.

"There was like 10 of us in the office this morning, knocking on the door for hours," Triplett said.

In the same zip code just a few streets away, the mail delivery truck is so close, she can see it, but Maria Campbell hasn’t had mail in two weeks.

"This is what they do, all day -  they’re turning away," she said.

"(I am) very upset, because I have a van I can’t move, because I don’t have the title and it was supposed to come Saturday," she said.

And it’s not just that.

"I've got a son that’s ready to go off to college but no paperwork, nothing," she said.

A spokesperson with the USPS told FOX 2 they’ve investigated and there are "no systemic delivery issues at Kensington Station." But, Campbell was there this morning.

"It was hostile - very hostile, people were ready to break down the window to get in and get their mail," she said.

The post office manager of the Kensington Station location plans to reach out to both women from our story.

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