Revenge porn suspect's bankruptcy filing doesn't sway judge

A metro Detroit man was ordered to pay restitution for allegedly sending revenge porn to his victim's family.

"(Revenge porn is) involuntary pornography," said attorney Kyle Bristow.

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Judge ignores bankruptcy filing by revenge porn perpetrator

A metro Detroit man was ordered to pay restitution for allegedly sending revenge porn to his victim's family.

The victim, Zachery, made the allegations against a man named Harry in a lawsuit against Harry.   They met on a gay dating website.

Ironically, the two actually never met.  Nevertheless, Harry said he received nude content from Zachery, Bristow said.

That content would be naked pictures and Zachery engaging in various sex acts. Bristow says the two had a BDSM contract

FOX 2: "They had a sex slave contract?"

"Yes, it was a BDSM contract that he tried to enforce in Federal court," Bristow said.

More about the federal bankruptcy court in a minute.  But when the online relationship soured, Harry allegedly sent those pictures to Zachery's mother, grandparents, a cousin, and friends.

"Our client even sought a personal protection order to try and put an end to this nonsense," Bristow said. "However, Harry continued 
calling our client."

Zachery and his attorney says the types of calls were harassing and threatening. 

On one recorded phone call he said, "Hello, somedays I am in love with you and somedays I hate you. I am not a nice person, I am mean, I am vengeful. I am not sorry for anything I am going to do to you or your family."

Zachery's lawyer then sued Harry. But FOX 2 went to see Harry.

FOX 2: "The allegations are that you sent naked pictures of Zachery to his family."

Harry: "That is what they are, allegations."

FOX 2: "Did Zachery send naked pictures of himself to you?"

Harry: "Yes he did."

FOX 2: "Did you send those naked pictures to his family?"

Harry: "No, not that I can recall."

Harry also says that Zachery lost his phone in South America and those pictures could have ended up on the black market.  

Harry also said that Zachery owes him $20,000 and he didn't pay up.
And when Harry got sued, he ran to the bankruptcy court to ask the judge to throw the civil case out, but in a rare - and first time 
legal ruling - the judge said no.

"If you get money judgments against you for revenge pornography, it is going to stick with you for life," said Derek Jacques, bankruptcy attorney.

Zachery doesn't have the money judgement yet - and Harry says he will defend the upcoming civil case. No date has been set.