Rob Wolchek's 'Scam School' in session at Macomb Lutheran North | FOX 2 Detroit

Rob Wolchek's 'Scam School' in session at Macomb Lutheran North

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I made his annual visit to teacher Steve Slagel's business classes at Lutheran High School North in Macomb.

This is my kind of class - one with attentive students learning about business - and in particular, business fraud.
"He just teaches a general business class but the last few weeks we've been learning a lot about fraud," said one student. "He uses (Wolchek's) videos to help us learn that there's so much in our area that we don't know about."

It's called the fraud unit. About a month of classes where instead of making the kids crack a boring old textbook, Mr. Slagel shows Hall of Shame videos as a teaching tool.

"It's an awesome class he teaches us about real life situations and business and fraud," said another student.

Wolchek: "And you like that.  Better than reading a book.?"


As for my yearly trip to check out the classes, the teacher explains it all started with a persistent student (who is likely the CEO at some big company), asked: "Mr. Slagel, why don't you have Mr. Wolchek come into Lutheran North and speak to us about his scams?"

"And he bugged me every day, every day and I finally caved and said okay, I'll email him," Slagel said. "So I went to your website, I found your email address, I sent you a quick email, you responded favorably, you came without a camera crew in 2006, and ever since then, 2007, you've not only come with a camera crew to speak to my class. It's been a highlight to me ever since."

It's a highlight for me as well.   And of course, at the end of the class they get to hear me live and in person do my signature saying.

"You're in the Hhhhaaalll of Shame!"