Rob Wolchek's scam school is in session for Luther North students | FOX 2 Detroit

Rob Wolchek's scam school is in session for Luther North students

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He's not a professor but he sure likes teaching at least once a year.

Problem Solver Rob Wolchek made his annual visit to students studying business fraud in Macomb County. Scam School 2019 is in session.

This Macomb Lutheran North High School classroom full of future businessmen and business women have been studying Hall of Shame stories and learning it can be a dog-eat-dog world out there.

"For general business Mr. Slagel just gives a brief overview of a lot of business aspects," said Alec. "So obviously right now we're doing fraud so he shows a lot of your videos.  We kind of have an idea of what kind of fraud is out there, because there's a lot of (it)."

Teacher Steve Slagel has been using Hall of Shame stories as a teaching tool for at least 13 years.  We know that because Wolchek been coming to speak to students there at Lutheran North, for that long.
Rather than read about fraud in a book the kids get to see "not so good" business practices in real life. Sometimes, it hits really close to home.

"We live in an area where you don't think it's prevalent but it's so prevalent and you don't realize it until you see it," Kaden said.

It is a dose of reality for kids who are studying business but might just pick up some helpful tips no matter what they end up doing in life.  

As some of the students said, it is entertaining and as teacher Steve Slagel will tell you, educational.  

"I use YouTube and the FOX 2 website now as opposed to VHS tapes back 15 years ago in the early 2000s," Slagle said.

Rob: "And the kid still respond well to the stories?"

"I think they really enjoy seeing it, not just me talking about it, but actually seeing what the crime is, seeing what the bad guys do to execute it and now they know what to look for in case they ever come across people like that," Slagel said.

Wolchek certainly approves of using his stories to teach young people and makes a special appearance at the end of the fraud unit to speak to the kids.

And if they can make a through a few weeks of studying fraud and Wolchek's long winded lecture, they get to hear in person his now famous catchphrase.

"You're in the Hhhhhall of Shame."