Roseville neighbors fight against proposed pot center on Warren city border

Warren councilmembers are concerned about the location of a proposed medical marijuana provisioning center - but they may not have a say on if it gets the green light.

"We want to be good neighbors, I wouldn't want Roseville or Center Line or Sterling Heights to do this to Warren," said Jonathan Lafferty, Warren City Council. "I think it is up to Warren to make the right decision and build what is in the best interests of not only Warren residents, but our good neighbors on all of our borders."

They met with the planning department Monday about the would-be pot shop on 11 Mile and Hayes. City law requires it to be 500 feet away from homes, schools and churches. But it sits right across the street - roughly 150 feet - from houses in Roseville.

"This is strictly in the city there is nothing in the ordinance that speaks to anything beyond the boundaries of the city," said Ronald Weurth, planning department director.

There has been a mixed reaction from a pair of Roseville residents living across the street from the facility in question.

"I do not want it. Traffic is bad enough, the smell is going to be terrible," said Caroline Sawicki. 

"There is a factory that has been shut down, it is over there not doing anything," said Gary Matthews. "Why wouldn't you put a marijuana plant right next to the Tim Hortons where it is very successful."

"Most of the dispensaries are on the borders and you need to take into account your neighbors and make sure you are a good neighbor to all of them," said Patrick Green, the Warren mayor pro-tem.

Some council members want to tweak the ordinance, but may not be able to. The planning commission could vote on the provisioning center before the council's next meeting.

The commission postponed a vote on the marijuana facility back in mid-January after learning it failed to notify Roseville residents it would take action on the matter.

Now, come February 10, it's fair game.

"We hope whoever wants to show and provide their opinions," said Ronald Weurth, planning department director.

Roseville City Council member Steven Wietecha is concerned a pot shop could be approved despite Roseville residents and Warren council members' concerns.

"I sure hope they don't," he said. "I will have to see what they do."