Royal Oak church giving away free Christmas trees
Get a free Christmas tree in Royal Oak
With just days left until Christmas, Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak is giving away trees and wreaths.
ROYAL OAK, Mich. (FOX 2) - Still need a Christmas tree? A Royal Oak church has some left that they are giving away.
You can get a tree at Shrine of the Little Flower on 12 Mile and Woodward while supplies last.
"We feel it's the last week before Christmas, we have a pretty good supply left. We've already made a pretty good amount of money to help the schools, and we think well, let's give them away," said Jack Crusoe, a volunteer with the Shrine Dads Club.
As of Tuesday afternoon, there were about 190 trees left. Wreaths are also free.
Donations are welcomed and will benefit Shrine schools.