Royal Oak doctor faces charges for death threats against Oakland Co officials

A Royal Oak doctor has been charged for making death threats against Oakland County government officials.

Dr. Kumar Singh, 47, has been charged with numerous counts of terrorism, ethnic intimidation and weapons charges after investigator say he threatened to kill several Oakland County officials.

"There was a cop walking down the stairs with an M-16 it looked like, or at least like an AR-15," said a neighbor who lives in the same apartments as Singh, Ryan Pinter. "I was concerned it was in my building but other than that I had no idea."

Singh runs the Green Lite Clinic in Troy, which specializes in medical marijuana.

According to the police report, it all began when Singh felt he was mistreated during a trial when he was called as a witness for the defense.

He believed it tarnished his reputation and he now suffers from PTSD. That apparently provoked him to lash out.

He made several posts where he threatened to kill the Oakland County assistant prosecutor who cross examined him, his sister and her two children.

The rants in part say, "Your brother tried to hurt me. He did so I am going to visit the boy and girl on your Facebook page. My name is Dr. Kumar Singh and I'm going to kill you and your two children."

He went on to call himself an innocent Hindu, saying, "You Christians are the same as Muslims," also calling the assistant prosecutor a "stupid white cracker."

Singh is also accused of calling and texting Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper, the drug unit chief, and a retired circuit court judge, threatening to kill them with a machine gun.

Detectives searched Singh's apartment and found an AR-15 and other evidence.

Singh says his clinic is closed due to personal circumstances, but according to the Genesee County prosecutor who took over the case because of a potential conflict of interest, Singh is sitting behind bars, where he faces 21 felonies.