Royal Oak Sheetz plan gets 'yes' vote from planning commission | FOX 2 Detroit

Royal Oak Sheetz plan gets 'yes' vote from planning commission

(Photo: Sheetz)

Sheetz passed the first step of opening in Royal Oak on Tuesday after the city's planning commission voted yes to rezone an area along 14 Mile for the business. 

Commissioners approved the conditional rezoning request 6-1, with Commissioner Brian Cooper voting no.

The backstory:

Plans include opening a gas station and car wash at the intersection of Coolidge and 14 Mile.

The site at 3200 W. 14 Mile Rd. next to Clover Hill Park Cemetery is currently occupied by a former metal fabrication facility. Developers want to build a Sheetz and an El Carwash.

The proposed Royal Oak Sheetz location at 14 Mile and Coolidge.

The plan also includes expanding an existing maintenance building at the back of the site. The cemetery would use that building for storage.

The Sheetz would be open 24/7, and would have a convenience store and gas pumps, along with a drive-thru and outdoor cafe.

Planning documents include a traffic study for the intersection. According to that study conducted by Fleis & Vandenbrink, if the development is added, the intersection "would continue to operate at an acceptable level of service during peak travel times."

According to plans, a new driveway would be added that aligns with Coolidge, changing the current road configuration from a three-way intersection to a four-way intersection. The addition of a right turn lane into the gas station from 14 Mile is also part of the proposal.


Royal Oak Sheetz: Planning commission to consider rezoning request along 14 Mile

As Sheetz tries to open in Royal Oak, the planning commission will consider a request to rezone space at 14 Mile and Coolidge.

Residents react to Sheetz proposal

Local perspective:

During Tuesday's planning commission meeting, numerous residents from Royal Oak and surrounding communities shared their thoughts on the proposal, with many expressing concerns about traffic and crime.

"No one in here is against the company Sheetz. They're against the location," said one speaker named Pea Gee, who said the gas station would make traffic "a hot mess."

Nicole Buzynski, who lives close to the intersection, shared concerns about how close the business would be to Upton Elementary School, which is on Coolidge just south of 14 Mile, and discussed how it's already a dangerous area for pedestrians.

Another speaker also mentioned the proximity to the school and how bad traffic is already near the school.

"It's just not gonna work," Kay Thomas said. "A development of this size does not belong in this neighborhood."

She went on to say that the families who live in the area are not being considered.

Crime concerns were also a big topic of discussion, with many worried that a 24/7 gas station would increase crime or put strain on first responders in the middle of the night.

Additionally, many speakers shared concerns about light pollution, noise, and the impact on small business owners, like the owner of a BP that is near the proposed Sheetz. 

Despite the steady stream of speakers against the development, one person did speak in support of building a Sheetz at that location.

What they're saying:

Steve Robinson, the vice president of acquisition and development for Broder Sachse Real Estate, which owns the properry, and Alex Siwicki, a representative for Sheetz, both spoke about the plans during the commission meeting.

According to Robinson, the site was studied to determine the best use of the land and determined that a gas station would be a good fit. Other options considered included housing and stores. He said if the Sheetz plan eventually falls through at the city level, the site will still be developed in some way.

"We are owners of this property. We will be developing this property," he said.

Commissioner Woody Gontina spoke about this, saying that the commission was deciding not on the business itself but on the site use. 

Robinson also addressed claims that Sheetz is a truck stop, saying that there will be no truck parking at the eight-pump gas station. 

When pressed about possible crime connected to a 24/7 gas station, Robinson said he would be willing to speak with Royal Oak police about concerns, after noting that people who work nights should be able to get gas and food. 

Mayor Michael Fournier, who sits on the planning commission, said that Royal Oak has other 24-hour businesses, and noted that police haven't expressed concerns to him about those places. 

Sheetz plan moves forward

What's next:

Commissioners who spoke before voting on the matter identified some issues with the plan, including worries about traffic.

Though the plans received the rezoning green light from the planning commission, a peer review of the traffic study, including how changing the timing of lights on the road could impact 14 Mile traffic, will be conducted.

The matter next heads to the city commission. 

Big picture view:

Though Sheetz is in Michigan, the chain has struggled to get plans approved in several cities.

Both the Livonia and Farmington Hills city councils recently voted against proposed Sheetz locations after hearing feedback from concerned residents. The company wanted to open a location at Newburgh and Eight Mile in Livonia and 12 Mile and Middlebelt in Farmington Hills.

In both cities, residents cited concerns about crime and noise and light pollution. 

Sheetz Responds:

After Tuesday's meeting, Sheetz's public affairs manager Nick Ruffner praised the decision in a statement:

"We are grateful to the Royal Oak Planning Commission for their decisive approval of the landowner's request to rezone the site at 3200 West 14 Mile Road. This decision underscores the Commission’s dedication to driving growth, attracting investment and creating good job opportunities that will benefit the entire community.

"With 13 exciting projects already approved across the Detroit region, Sheetz is energized by the overwhelming support we continue to receive in the area.

"As we continue our collaboration with Royal Oak officials, we are excited to bring innovative convenience offerings to this community—offerings that meet the needs and desires of local residents. We are proud to be a part of this transformative movement and are fully dedicated to investing in the future of these neighborhoods."

The Source: FOX 2 reviewed site plans and the Royal Oak Planning Commission meeting for this report. 

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