Royal Oak Twp. motel shut down from violations determined to reopen

The owner of a Royal Oak Township motel is set on reopening after numerous violations forced it to shut down.

Less than a week after the Royal Inn motel on 8 Mile Road was condemned and residents ordered out by township officials, the owner says he's going to court to fight to keep doors open.

"The matter is now in the court, so the court is deciding maybe tomorrow or whatever," said owner Chandresh Shah.

Shah says he's made improvements and there's no reason why residents should not be able to stay.

"The building inspector gave us notice on July 10 to rectify some things by 90 days and after 50 days they just came and put the notice (up) -- I still have 40 days left," Shah said.

The owner says there's nothing wrong with the motel. In fact, he says he even calls this motel home.

"I live here on property with them. This is all my family ...This is my residence," he said.

Township officials ordered the property shut down over concerns about the welfare of the residents. The violations reported include humans waste and vomit in the hallways and trash throughout.

Some residents have moved out, but many say they want to stay.

"I want to stay I've made this my home," said resident Pamela Hall.

Fox 2 reached out to township officials and no one was available for comment, but the owner says he will not give up.

"I want justice this is my family.. This is the cheapest place," Shah said.