Sheriff: Live911 system helped saved lives after splashpad shooting

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Sheriff believes new Live911 system helped save lives in splashpad shooting

Based out of California, HigherGround started Live911 more than three years ago. The goal was to cut police response time in half by allowing officers in the field to pinpoint the precise location of the 911 call as the dispatcher picks up.

Within seconds of the mass shooting tragedy at a Rochester Hills splashpad Saturday, help was on the way.

Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard credits their Live911 technology with a quicker response after a shooter wounded nine people.

"A sergeant, who was in that area, heard the actual 911 call, and immediately self-deployed and got there within a minute, minute and a half, of the actual call - even before it went out over the radio," said Bouchard.

Jake White is the communications director for HigherGround, the software company which produced the Live911 technology.

"We never dreamed that it would actually save lives. just like what happened in your incident, it gives us all pride at HigherGround because we keep seeing this over and over again. When officers have more information, it improves outcomes."

Based out of California, HigherGround started Live911 more than three years ago.  The goal was to cut police response time in half by allowing officers in the field to pinpoint the precise location of the 911 call as the dispatcher picks up.

The officer can drive their patrol car to the location before the caller hangs up.

"It’s growing because many different parts of public safety are realizing the value of live-streaming emergency calls," White said. "It truly cuts down time."

Since it’s debut, more than 140 law enforcement agencies use the technology.  And so do fire departments and crime centers which will pair it with drone technology.

The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office began using it in 2022.

Sheriff Bouchard says they’re the only department in Southeast Michigan to use it.

"Seconds matter and life-threatening or dangerous situations, and having this Live911 Operation allows our folks to hear it and go in a more expeditious fashion," he said. "You know, it paid for itself in my opinion just on Saturday."

Technology of the future that's helping save lives in the present.