Stabbing suspect who killed woman putting air in tire, slit own wrist in police custody | FOX 2 Detroit

Stabbing suspect who killed woman putting air in tire, slit own wrist in police custody

The Macomb County Prosecutor Pete Lucido says he can’t understand why someone would get out his car and start stabbing someone. As of now suspect Shane Burns is charged with stabbing two people and one to death. Lucido says Burns has revealed nothing to investigators about his motive.

"As a result of the videos you can see this individual walking four steps away and then coming back to slash her throat," Lucido said.

Warren police would eventually take Burns into custody. The prosecutor says once he got to the Roseville Police Department he began biting at his wrists. An officer ordered him to stop, he tussled with an officer and reportedly grabbed a knife, slitting his own wrist.

A search of burns’ vehicle turned up guns and ammunition. Burns is charged with eight counts including First Degree Premeditated Murder.

That’s how Lucido says Shane Burns would eventually kill Cheryl Ryan-Parsley, 60, as she filled her tire with air in Roseville - stabbing her 10 to 12 times. About 13 minutes later, Burns would stab another man in St. Clair Shores – also multiple times. Thankfully, he survived

"It is a shame, it is sad, it’s horrific, what has happened here," Lucido said.

The prosecutor says the stabbings were very brutal - but apparently random.

Stabbing victim Cheryl Ryan-Parsley

Stabbing victim Cheryl Ryan-Parsley

"Why does someone get up at that time of the morning or maybe he had been up all night," Lucido said. "Was he medicated, was he not medicated? We can get into all the particulars, but it’s still ongoing as to what was the motive in this case."

The 31-year-old suspect has a lengthy criminal history that may portend or at least was in line with his eventual alleged stabbing attack.

"The prior criminal history that (Burns) had, in this case, shows he has an assaultive nature as well as weapons in the past," Lucido said.

Burns is being held on a $10 million cash surety bond. A probable cause hearing is scheduled for May 31.

Stabbing suspect Shane Burns

Stabbing suspect Shane Burns


Crime and Public Safety