Students arrive at U-M campus with cautious optimism amid pandemic

The mood at the University of Michigan's campus could be described as relief after many students questioned if this day would come at all. And they hope some don't spoil it for everyone. 

Familiar sites of UHauls, dorm furniture, and parents saying goodbye in Ann Arbor as students move back to campus in the midst of a pandemic. 

"It seems like there are more people this year moving in than last year, it is just crazy to see," said Brenden Pham.

But there is no denying this year is different. You can see it written all of their faces with protective face masks.

"She is as safe here as she is at home frankly," said one parent.

"In some sort of sick and twisted way this has bonded everyone who was class of 2020," said Sidney, a freshman from Maryland. "We all have this shared experience."

"A lot of them are happy to be here and additionally, they don't know what they are missing," said Pham.

"She is going to follow protocol because this is where she wants to be," said one parent.

And at least for now, most will take what they can get. After all down the road the rival Michigan State University, there is no welcome week on campus. 

"It's helping with me not being so sad because I'm happy she made it here," said Tammy Liss, the mother of one student.

The question that remains to be seen is how long will they stay here.

"If we are responsible here, I'm confident we can get it done," said junior Will Tampke.

"I want to have my freshman year and I'm glad I can," said freshman Amanda Lisa. "At least I have one day."

Most students feel cooler heads will prevail. 

"We all worked really hard to get here we are not going to throw it away to go to a party," said Autumn Scott, a freshman from Chicago.

And if not. 

"I anticipate a higher level of enforcing because you have to just to be safe," Pham said.

The Ann Arbor police have set up a hotline for people with public health concerns and non-emergency problems to reduce the need for law enforcement at off-campus areas. They put that number on social media. 

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