Study shows some sunscreens contain benzene putting us at risk; a dermatologist explains | FOX 2 Detroit

Study shows some sunscreens contain benzene putting us at risk; a dermatologist explains

A dangerous chemical was discovered in some batches of sunscreens recently. So what does this mean as we're trying to protect ourselves and our kids from the sun?

We know that sun exposure raises our risk of skin cancer, but now an independent testing lab named Valisure has some concerning results. 

They tested sunscreen mostly sprays and found benzene - a known carcinogen on the list put out by the FDA.

Dermatologist Steve Grekin says don't misinterpret this as all sunscreens are dangerous. However, very small trace amounts of benzene was discovered, in 78 of nearly 300 sprays and lotions tested, which is troubling.

FOX 2: "Do we want to use benzene on our skin?"

"In our sunscreen? Definitely not," he said.

Manufacturers are likely not knowingly using benzene, but it could be a byproduct of production.

"Does benzene pose a danger? In a higher amount, it could lead to skin cancer. I would recommend using sun lotions and creams, not on the list of this group," he said.

Use a sun-blocking sunscreen that contains zinc or titanium dioxide that protects your skin.

When we looked at the list of sun products that tested positive for benzene, it's mostly sprays. and several brands are involved. We will link you to the test results - it is a lot of data to sort through.

What's next? Valisure has asked the FDA to take a closer look to help us understand the risk. We'll keep an eye on this story.

For more information and to see the study itself look below or CLICK HERE.


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